Apartment in Beijing

I've looked at many apartments around Beijing last weeks in search of something to rent. I currently live half hour away in a quite lively neighborhood but not so cozy area. The idea is to move to a more central location closer to the old allies and bars and restaurants down town.

For those of you not familiar with Beijing, Sanlitun on the east side of town is where expats come out to play at night. Houhai is a famous bar area north west of city center popular among tourists as well as many native Beijinese. I've mostly looked at apartments between these two locations that also have good communications so that my commute doesn't have to be more than 2 hours per day. Dongzhimen, in the north-east corner of the city center if a popular place and very convenient from all perspectives. The only bad thing is a lack of soul and anonymity that too "well developed" neighborhoods sometimes can suffer from. The other option was a place much a few kilometers north-east of the forbidden city. People stroll by looking casually in the shops and a generally jovial atmosphere seems to loom over this place. The shops and restaurants are smaller and people also seem happier.

Street view close to Jiaodaokou
Jiaodaokou, a few kilometers north-east of forbidden city. Calm streets on a Saturday afternoon.

I'll keep looking for something suitable and keep you updated. In the meanwhile, keep your fingers crossed.

Your voice and eyes in BJ.



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